2Hr Aquarist APT1 Zero

C$37.99 Excl. tax In stock (1)
Unit price: C$0.00
APT 1 is perfect for tanks with more fish, fewer plants. Read more


2HR Aquarist
In stock (1)
Delivery time:
1-5 Business Days OR Same Day Pick up


APT Zero allows you to enjoy all the benefits of the ADA approach- unparalleled algae control and the ability to unlock the richest reds in popular plants through nitrate limitation. It should be paired with the use of aquasoil and/or a higher fishload environment.

APT 1 is perfect for tanks with more fish, fewer plants. Also for new tanks (<3 months) with aquasoil. Enjoy comprehensive nutrition without nitrates and phosphates for maximum algae control.


APT Zero contains no nitrates and phosphates, and should be used if you have a fish population that produces adequate nitrates in the tank (specifically, If your tank measures >10ppm NO3 by end of the week with no fertilizer dosing and water change).


How to Use:

Dose 5ml per 100L four times a week or 3ml per 100L daily. 

Each Dose Contains:

Each 5ml per 100L dose adds 3.8ppm Potassium (K), 0.05ppm Iron (Fe), 0.5ppm Magnesium (Mg) and additional amounts of Boron (B), Copper (Cu), Manganese (Mn), Molybdenum (Mo) and Zinc (Zn).

The above dosage is designed to be dosed 4 times a week. So the total per week adds up to: 15.2ppm Potassium (K), 0.2ppm Iron (Fe), 1.6ppm Magnesium (Mg) and additional amounts of Boron (B), Copper (Cu), Manganese (Mn), Molybdenum (Mo) and Zinc (Zn).