Multicoloured pull toy designed for satisfying preening instincts, discouraging plucking in your bird, and providing endless entertainment and distraction.
The dangling toy provides your bird entertainment with its sounds and movements.
Colourful, dangling pull toy designed for satisfying preening instincts and discouraging plucking in your bird.
Dangling toy designed to satisfy plucking, picking, and nesting instincts.
Ding will provide hours of foot and beak exercise as your bird pulls, chomps and grips a variety of shapes and textures.
This dangling toy is designed to meet the foraging needs of your bird.
This dangling toy is meant to keep your bird engaged with the music and different movements of the toy.
Ideal for satisfying bird's plucking, preening and nesting instincts.
Made from an assortment of cotton twine, coconut fibres, straw, and multi-coloured paper providing your bird with mental stimulation and hours of fun.
Multicoloured pull toy designed for satisfying preening instincts, discouraging plucking in your bird, and satisfying nesting instincts.
Colourful, dangling pull toy designed for satisfying preening instincts and discouraging plucking in your bird.
Multi-coloured toy designed to meet the foraging needs of your bird.
Dangling toy designed to stimulate your bird mentally and physically.
Cyclone Bird Toy will stimulate your bird’s senses with delightful sounds and bright colours.
Offers the capacity for rugged physical play and mental stimulation, and the irregular shapes of the branches encourage healthy foot exercise.
A colourful, dangling pull toy - satisfying preening instincts and discouraging plucking in your bird.
A colourful, dangling pull toy designed for satisfying preening instincts and discouraging plucking in your bird.
The dangling pull toy is designed for satisfying preening instincts and discouraging plucking in your bird.
Dangling toy designed to satisfy the foraging needs of your bird.
A colourful, dangling pull toy - satisfying preening instincts and discouraging plucking in your bird.