Python Airline Tubing is made from a non-toxic, FDA approved, and ozone safe material.
In a 1•2•Grow! cup you buy a myriad of plants which can be divided into small portions. The plants are guaranteed to be free from snails, algae and pesticides
Bug Bites Vacation Food offers premium quality nutrition in a convenient, worry-free format for aquarium keepers on the go.
Fluval BUG BITES are specifically formulated to address the natural, insect-based feeding habits of fish, providing essential nutrients vital to their growth and development. For Cichlids.
Fluval BUG BITES are specifically formulated to address the natural, insect-based feeding habits of fish, providing essential nutrients vital to their growth and development. For Large Cichlids.
The new Crispy Caves from our own brand GlasGarten are edible tubes/caves and thus food and hiding place in one...
Enable shrimps and hardwater plants to thrive together with softwater plants.
In a 1•2•Grow! cup you buy a myriad of plants which can be divided into small portions. The plants are guaranteed to be free from snails, algae and pesticides.