Phase 22 CryoPack (Heating & Cooling) Maintains 22C at all times

C$7.99 Excl. tax In stock (11)
Unit price: C$0.00


In stock (11)
Delivery time:
1-5 Business Days OR Same Day Pick up


The Phase 22 Shipping pack provides temperature stability when shipping reptiles and amphibians. These packs are designed to automatically go through two phases, a "warm" phase and a "cool" phase dependant on the ambient temperature. Keeping your package at a steady 22c!


When temperatures drop below 72 F a chemical reaction turns the packs material into a liquid that provides heat, and when the temperature rises above 72 F the pack solidifys to bring down the temperature in order to protect your package.

  • Provides thermal protection when shipping products between 15-30°C
  • When used as liquid, keeps contents warm
  • When used as solid, protects contents from heat


It is recommended that you use a minimum of 2 packs per box when shipping live animals.