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Recently viewed
Tarheel Ants Mini Hearth - Black - Museum Glass
C$69.99 Excl. tax
0.1 Lasiocyano sazimai (brazilian Blue ) 2.5cm
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Isopods - Porcellionides Pruinosus (Powder Orange)
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Tarheel Ants Mini Hearth - Black - Museum Glass
C$69.99 Excl. tax
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The Mini Hearth is a founding formicarium created by Tar Heel Ants.
- Removable Museum glass optional
- Detachable foraging area
- Large Water tower (15ml capacity)
- Sand-coated interior chamber (using our proprietary method found in all Type II formicaria)
- Gold-brown or White Sand optional for interior
- Painted exterior
- Stalagtite decor on chamber ceiling
- 3/8" Side connection port
- Dimensions approximately 3.5" x 1.75" x 2"