Tropica 1-2-Grow! Littorella uniflora

C$14.99 Excl. tax In stock (4)
Unit price: C$0.00


In stock (4)
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1-5 Business Days OR Same Day Pick up


The plants are guaranteed to be free from snails, algae and pesticides and therefore are totally harmless for sensitive shrimp and fish.

In a 1-2-Grow! cup you buy a myriad of plants which can be divided into small portions and cover a larger area. Plants are compact from the start so you will experience a dense and beautiful growth, if you give them the right fertilizer and CO2 from the start!



1. Carefully take the plant out of the cup and rinse off the growing media under the tap.

2. Split the plant in 6-8 portions using your fingers or sharp scissors (for small foreground plants).

3. Plant portions into the substrate using tweezers. Then watch them grow!


Plant Info:

The appearance of Littorella uniflora makes it an easily recognizable plant in the aquarium.

It grows wild on lakeshores of Europe, North America and South America. Tolerates quite low light intensity, but this will add to the length of leaves.

Each rosette is planted separately with a distance of a few cm. They will readily send out runners. In time a very characteristic carpet of fat and fleshy leaves – each 2-5 cm long and 0,1-0,3 cm wide – will be created. Be careful when maintaining the tank, the leaves are easily damaged.

Littorella uniflora is suitable for terrarium and garden ponds, too.

Type: Stolon
Origin: Cosmopolitan
Growth rate: Slow
Height: 3 - 5+
Light demand: Low
CO2 : Low